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Tapis v2 (Agave) App migration to v3 for the Discovery Environment

The Tapis v3 App docs can be referenced when creating a new app from scratch, and for other details beyond the scope of this migration guide, but the easiest way to show how to migrate a Tapis v2 (Agave) app to v3 for the Discovery Environment (DE) might be with the following example.

System Permission Requirements for App Creators

Before creating HPC apps for Tapis v3, the app's execution system and the iRODS system defined in the Tapis v3 cyverse tenant must be shared with the app creator with MODIFY permissions (note that this will not grant the app creator modify permissions on the underlying iRODS directories).

This has to do with the fact that these systems use proxy admin users to act on behalf of DE users when running Tapis v3 apps and when reading and writing iRODS data in the Data Store.

Tapis v2 App Definition

First consider a Tapis v2 app definition like the following:

  "id": "CyVerse-QA-Test-App-0.1u1",
  "name": "CyVerse QA Test App",
  "defaultMaxRunTime": "00:02:00",
  "version": "0.1",
  "shortDescription": "CyVerse QA Test App",
  "longDescription": "CyVerse QA Test App for all parameter types.",
  "helpURI": "",
  "tags": [
  "executionType": "HPC",
  "executionSystem": "",
  "deploymentPath": "/api/2/apps/",
  "deploymentSystem": "",
  "templatePath": "",
  "testPath": "",
  "inputs": [
      "id": "requiredInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": true
      "details": {
        "label": "Required Input File",
        "description": "Required input file."
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "fileTypes": [
      "id": "optionalInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false
      "details": {
        "label": "Optional Input File",
        "description": "Not required, excluded if empty."
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 0,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "fileTypes": [
      "id": "fixedInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": false,
        "required": true,
        "default": "agave://"
      "details": {
        "description": "Fixed input."
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "fileTypes": [
  "parameters": [
      "id": "requiredOutput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "default": "out.txt"
      "details": {
        "label": "Output File",
        "description": "Output File command line option.",
        "argument": null
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": [
      "id": "textInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false,
        "type": "string"
      "details": {
        "label": "Text Input",
        "description": "Single-line text."
      "id": "flagInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false,
        "type": "flag"
      "details": {
        "label": "Flag Input",
        "description": "Checkbox input.",
        "argument": "-f",
        "showArgument": true
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 0,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": [
      "id": "flagInputAlt",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false,
        "type": "string"
      "details": {
        "label": "Flag Input 2",
        "description": "Another Checkbox input.",
        "argument": "-f2",
        "showArgument": true
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 0,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": [
      "id": "integerInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false,
        "type": "number"
      "details": {
        "label": "Integer",
        "description": "Integer input."
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 0,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": [
      "id": "doubleInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false,
        "type": "number"
      "details": {
        "label": "Decimal",
        "description": "Decimal input."
      "id": "listInput",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": false,
        "type": "enumeration",
        "order": 0,
        "enquote": false,
        "default": null,
        "enum_values": [
            "val1": "Value 1"
            "val2": "Value 2"
            "val3": "Value 3"
      "details": {
        "label": "Selection List",
        "description": "List input.",
        "argument": "--list ",
        "showArgument": true
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 0,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": []
  "outputs": [
      "id": "requiredOutput",
      "value": {
        "default": "out.txt"
      "details": {
        "label": "Output File",
        "description": "Output File command line option."
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": [],
        "fileTypes": [

Tapis v3 App Definition

That v2 app could be migrated to v3 like the following:

  "id": "CyVerse-QA-Test-App",
  "version": "0.1",
  "tenant": "cyverse",
  "description": "QA Test app for all parameter types.",
  "runtime": "DOCKER",
  "containerImage": "discoenv/qatesttool",
  "jobType": "FORK",
  "tags": [
  "notes": {
    "name": "CyVerse QA Test App",
    "helpURI": "",
    "outputs": [
        "name": "requiredOutput",
        "description": "Output File command line option.",
        "arg": "out.txt",
        "details": {
          "label": "Output File"
  "jobAttributes": {
    "execSystemId": "cyverse-qacondor1-qa-test3",
    "maxMinutes": 2,
    "parameterSet": {
      "containerArgs": [
          "name": "workdir",
          "arg": "-w /TapisOutput",
          "inputMode": "FIXED"
      "envVariables": [
          "key": "NEW_ENV_VAR",
          "value": "testing env",
          "inputMode": "FIXED"
      "appArgs": [
          "name": "requiredOutput",
          "description": "Output File command line option.",
          "arg": "out.txt",
          "inputMode": "REQUIRED",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Output File"
            "value": {
              "default": "out.txt"
          "name": "textInput",
          "description": "Single-line text.",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Text Input"
          "name": "flagInput",
          "description": "Checkbox input.",
          "arg": "-f",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Flag Input"
            "value": {
              "type": "flag"
          "name": "flagInputAlt",
          "description": "Another Checkbox input.",
          "arg": "-f2",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Flag Input 2"
            "value": {
              "type": "string"
            "semantics": {
              "ontology": [
          "name": "integerInput",
          "description": "Integer input.",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Integer"
            "value": {
              "type": "number"
            "semantics": {
              "ontology": [
          "name": "doubleInput",
          "description": "Decimal input.",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Decimal"
            "value": {
              "type": "number"
          "name": "listInput",
          "description": "List input.",
          "notes": {
            "value": {
              "visible": true,
              "required": false,
              "type": "enumeration",
              "order": 0,
              "default": null,
              "enum_values": [
                  "--list val1": "Value 1"
                  "--list val2": "Value 2"
                  "--list val3": "Value 3"
            "details": {
              "label": "Selection List"
          "name": "requiredInput",
          "description": "Required input file.",
          "inputMode": "REQUIRED",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Required Input File"
          "name": "optionalInput",
          "description": "Not required, excluded if empty.",
          "notes": {
            "details": {
              "label": "Optional Input File"
    "fileInputs": [
        "name": "requiredInput",
        "description": "Required input.",
        "inputMode": "REQUIRED",
        "targetPath": "*"
        "name": "optionalInput",
        "description": "Not required, excluded if empty.",
        "targetPath": "*"
        "name": "fixedInput",
        "description": "Fixed input.",
        "inputMode": "FIXED",
        "sourceUrl": "tapis://",
        "targetPath": "*"

Tapis v3 Migration Details

The notes Field

Some parameter fields are no longer used in Tapis v3, but they can be moved into a notes field for use by the DE, such as app and parameter name and label display fields.

The DE will use the app's notes.label or, followed by the app's version, when displaying the app name in listings or the in the app launch form. If no label or name is found in the app's notes, then the DE will simply use the app's id.

Parameters and App Args

Now take the following v2 parameter, for example:

  "id": "textInput",
  "value": {
    "visible": true,
    "required": false,
    "type": "string",
    "default": "default_value"
  "details": {
    "label": "Text Input",
    "description": "Single-line text."

This parameter can be defined in v3 appArgs like the following:

  "name": "textInput",
  "description": "Single-line text.",
  "arg": "default_value",
  "notes": {
    "details": {
      "label": "Text Input"

The id field becomes name, the description moves to the top level, and the value.default field becomes the arg field; otherwise the remaining fields move into the notes field.

If a notes.details.label field is not present, then the DE will use the name as the parameter's form field label.

Note that the visible, required, and type fields are omitted in this example, since those are the defaults the DE will use for those parameter fields.

If the v3 parameter has an inputMode field with a REQUIRED value, then the DE will treat that parameter as required and ignore the notes.value.required field.

If the v3 parameter has an inputMode field with a FIXED value, then the DE will treat that parameter as hidden and ignore the notes.value.visible field.

The notes object can contain any other custom fields (so the entire v2 parameter can be copied as the v3 notes field), which will be ignored by the DE, except for certain fields in specific parameter types, detailed in the following sections.

Parameter Types


If an input value is also required as a parameter on the command line, then the name of the input in the fileInputs parameter field should match the name of the corresponding appArgs parameter.

If the app's runtime value is DOCKER, then the DE will automatically prepend /TapisInput/ to the file or folder name submitted by the user, since that is the directory mounted inside the container by Tapis for inputs. Otherwise only the base name of the file or folder will be submitted for the command line argument.


The outputs field is not used by Tapis, but if a user wishes to create a pipeline workflow with multiple Tapis and DE apps, then the DE requires an app output to be defined so that it can be used as an app's input in a subsequent step in the workflow. If the output value is also required as a parameter on the command line, then the name of the output in the notes field should match the name of the corresponding appArgs parameter.

If the app's runtime value is DOCKER, then the DE will automatically prepend /TapisOutput/ to the parameter value submitted by the user, since that is the directory mounted inside the container by Tapis for outputs. Otherwise only the base name of the file or folder will be submitted for the command line argument.

Flags or Booleans

If the parameter has a notes.value.type field value of bool, boolean, or flag, then the DE will display that parameter as a checkbox. Parameters with a notes.semantics.ontology list where the first value is xs:boolean will also display as a checkbox.

Note that the value of a v3 parameter's arg is used in job submissions when the user checks a flag parameter type in the submission form, and the notes.details.argument field is not used.

Enumeration Lists

If the parameter has a notes.value.type field value of enumeration, then the DE will display that parameter as a selection list.

The parameter should also have a notes.value.enum_values field with an array of object values.

Each of these enum objects should have a key that is the full command line argument that should be submitted as the parameter's arg value in the job submission, and a value that will be used as the display label by the DE in the form's selection list.

As with Flag/Boolean parameter types, the notes.details.argument field is not used.


If the parameter has a notes.value.type field value of number, then the DE will display that parameter as a number field. The DE will use the first xs:* value in the notes.semantics.ontology field to determine if the user's input should be restricted to integers or decimal values.

See for a list of supported number XSD types (otherwise defaulting to decimal values).

Migration helper jq

The following jq command can be used to bootstrap a migration from a v2 app into a v3 format. It's not exhaustive, so some manual editing of the output will be required, particularly for the execSystemId, containerImage, and enumeration type parameter fields; but it can at least help with some tedious tasks, such as copying v2 fields used by the DE into v3 notes fields.

jq 'def params: . | {"name": .id, "arg": ((.details.argument // .value.default) | tostring), "description": .details.description, "inputMode": (.value.required | if . then "REQUIRED" else "INCLUDE_ON_DEMAND" end), "notes": .} | if (.description | length) > 0 then . else del(.description) end; {id, version, "description": .longDescription, "runtime": "ZIP", "containerImage": "tapis://\(.deploymentSystem)\(.deploymentPath)", "jobType": "BATCH", tags, "jobAttributes":{"execSystemId": "cyverse-qacondor1-qa-test3", "parameterSet": {"appArgs": [.parameters[] | params]}, "fileInputs": [.inputs[] | params | {"targetPath": "*"} + .]}, "notes": {name, "label": .label, owner, shortDescription, longDescription, helpURI, ontology, executionType, executionSystem, deploymentPath, deploymentSystem, templatePath, testPath, modules, outputs}}' v2_app.json

Note that Tapis no longer automatically passes job parameters to the template wrapper script as environment variables by the parameter ID, so the app's wrapper script will also need to be updated to use command line arguments instead of env vars.

If the wrapper script was something like the following:


Then it could be simplified for v3 without relying on environment variables:

singularity exec $IMG run_prodigal -o "prodigal-out" "$@"
echo $? > "${_tapisSysRootDir}${_tapisExecSystemOutputDir}/tapisjob.exitcode"
See about tapisjob.exitcode.

If the app's wrapper script has logic that depends on the environment variable values, and it would be too difficult to convert the wrapper script for command line arguments, then use the following jq command, which will populate the v3 app's envVariables array instead of the appArgs parameter array:

jq 'def params: . | {"name": .id, "arg": ((.details.argument // .value.default) | tostring), "description": .details.description, "inputMode": (.value.required | if . then "REQUIRED" else "INCLUDE_ON_DEMAND" end), "notes": .} | if (.description | length) > 0 then . else del(.description) end; {id, version, "description": .longDescription, "runtime": "ZIP", "containerImage": "tapis://\(.deploymentSystem)\(.deploymentPath)", "jobType": "BATCH", tags, "jobAttributes":{"execSystemId": "cyverse-qacondor1-qa-test3", "parameterSet": {"envVariables": ([.parameters[] | params] | map(.key = .name | .value = .arg | del(.name, .arg)))}, "fileInputs": [.inputs[] | params | {"targetPath": "*"} + .]}, "notes": {name, "label": .label, owner, shortDescription, longDescription, helpURI, ontology, executionType, executionSystem, deploymentPath, deploymentSystem, templatePath, testPath, modules, outputs}}' v2_app.json

The DE will process and display envVariables fields the same way that appArgs parameter fields are processed and displayed, as described in the previous sections, except the env var's key and value are used in place of name and arg.

With the help of this guide and the Tapis v3 docs, hopefully the migration will not be too difficult.

Tapis v3 curl Commands

The following shell environment variables, aliases, and curl commands can be used to publish v3 app JSON (such as the JSON output above).


Assuming the env vars CYVERSE_USER and CYVERSE_PASSWORD are set:

export TAPIS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -s -d "{\"username\": \"$CYVERSE_USER\", \"password\": \"$CYVERSE_PASSWORD\", \"grant_type\": \"password\" }" | jq -r '.result.access_token')

export TAPIS_AUTH_HEADER="X-Tapis-Token: $(echo $TAPIS_ACCESS_TOKEN | jq -r .access_token)"

Set a curl alias that references the $TAPIS_AUTH_HEADER

alias curl-tapis='curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$TAPIS_AUTH_HEADER"'

List Systems

curl-tapis -s ""


Create an App

curl-tapis -s -d @app-wc.json

Get App Details

curl-tapis -s ",jobAttributes.execSystemId,version,updated,tenant,description,isPublic,owner,enabled"

Update an App

curl-tapis -s -X PUT -d @app-wc.json ""

curl-tapis -s -X PATCH -d '{"jobAttributes": {"execSystemId": "cyverse-qacondor1-qa-test3"}}' ""

curl-tapis -s -X PATCH -d '{"jobAttributes": {"archiveSystemId": "cyverse-irods-qa"}}' ""

curl-tapis -s -X PATCH -d '{"tags": ["test-tag", "testing"]}' ""

Make App Public

curl-tapis -s -X POST ""

curl-tapis -s -X POST ""


List Jobs

curl-tapis -s ",name(asc)&computeTotal=true" | jq .

Submit a Job

curl-tapis -s -d @job.json | jq .

Get Job Status

curl-tapis -s "" | jq .

List Job History

curl-tapis -s "" | jq .

List Job Outputs

curl-tapis -s "" | jq .

List Folder Contents

curl-tapis -s "" | jq .