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CyVerse uses PostgreSQL as its primary database platform.

Each database is maintained in its own GitHub Repository in the core CyVerse Organization or CyVerse Discovery Environment Organization


iCAT - the iRODS iCAT metadata database

DE - the Discovery Environment database

Metadata - the CyVerse Metadata Service

Keycloak - the database used by Keycloak

Notifications - the database used for notifications

Unleash - the database used for Unleash service

Grouper - the database for Grouper service

QMS - the database for QMS service

Portal - the User Portal database

User Guides

DevOps - instructions for setting up a remote DevOps environment to manage a CyVerse deployment

Discovery Environment - designed for data scientists, students, and researchers who want to use CyVerse for research.

Data Store - instructions for using the iRODS Data Store.

This database dedicated to the discovery environment of Cyverse, which is used for multiple services such as:

NOTE: permissions database has been merged with DE database.


The installation of this database is manully done on the host'. See documentation on how to install postgresql?

Installing postgresql 12 on Centos7

sudo yum install -y

sudo yum install -y postgresql12-server
sudo /usr/pgsql-12/bin/postgresql-12-setup initdb
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-12
sudo systemctl start postgresql-12
sudo yum install postgresql12-contrib


On this paragraph we will cover first and necessary steps to configure the database.


IPv4 local connections:

Add IP or IP range of kubernetes worker node, that requires connection to this database.

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# vi ~postgres/12/data/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;

** .pgpass**


Databases and its Users

de de
notifications de
metadata de
unleash unleash_user
grouper grouper
portal portal
keycloak keycloak
qms de