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System Overview

CyVerse is both a Software as a Service (SaaS) and the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) necessary to manage a full stack cyberinfrastructure.

The US public CyVerse primarily runs on hardware located at The University of Arizona, with a full data store mirror at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), and federated compute resources located across the US.

The full CyVerse SaaS stack can be deployed either on-premises consumer hardware or on cloud resources.

Data storage is managed by an iRODS data Data Store.

Computing can be done in either the de Discovery Environment (DE) data science workbench or with the cacao CACAO IaC which leverages both public research computing and commercial cloud.

Event-based triggers are accomplished through the DataWatch API.


CyVerse's Infrastructure as Code (IaC) provides computing, storage, and event-based components researchers rely upon for data intensive science.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

All CyVerse APIs are OpenAPI compliant.

Terrain API is the main API for Discovery Environment and uses a Swagger interface.

cacao CACAO API - Infrastructure as Code API for cloud automation with OpenAPI

Data Watch API - event based triggers for workflows with OpenAPI

CyVerse public-facing APIs are frequently leveraged by "Powered-by-CyVerse" projects which utilize specific parts of the platform.

Cloud Services

Continous Automation / Continuous Analysis & Orchestration (CACAO) - Infrastructure as Code for multi-cloud deployments

Compute Resources

The DE runs on-premises hardware located at University of Arizona (UArizona) in the UITS colocation space at the high performance computing center. The data store is mirrored nightly at TACC.

CyVerse staff maintain over XXX servers at UArizona and 1 server at TACC.

Hardware is added, replaced, or upgraded every few months. Table values below may not be up-to-date.

Primary Hardware Specifications

Compute Nodes (XXX nodes)

System Configuration Aggregate information Per Node (Compute Node)
Machine types Dell, SuperMicro, XXX
Operating Systems Centos, Rocky Centos, Rocky
Processor cores XX,XXX average XX
CPUs 128, 64, 40, 32, 16 1, 2
RAM XXX TiB 256, 128, 64, 32 GiB
Network 100 Gbps to Internet2 10 Gpbs to switch
Storage X PB X TB

GPU Nodes (XXX nodes)

System Configuration Aggregate information Per Node (Compute Node)
Machine types Dell, SuperMicro, XXX
Operating Systems Centos, Rocky Centos, Rocky
Processor cores 256
CPUs 2
RAM 1 TB, 512 GB
GPUs NVIDIA (A100 80GB), (Tesla T4 16GB) 4
Network 100 Gbps to Internet2 10 Gpbs to switch
Storage XXX TB 28 TB SSD, 21 TB NVMe

Storage Resource Nodes (44 nodes)

System Configuration Aggregate information Per Node (Compute Node)
Machine types Dell, SuperMicro, XXX
Operating Systems Centos, Ubuntu Centos, Ubuntu
Processor cores 1506 average XX
CPUs 128, 64, 40, 32, 16 1, 2
RAM 11 TiB 256, 128, 64, 32 GiB
Network 100 Gbps to Internet2 10 Gpbs to switch
Storage 18 PB X TB

Federated Kubernetes Clusters

  • CyVerse runs mainly on a locally managed K8s cluster, but it can be federated to other K8s clusters.
  • The National Research Platform offers federated K8s resources. These resources are currently in development.

OpenStack Cloud

  • CyVerse maintains its own OpenStack Cloud (formerly "Atmosphere") for internal use and development of CACAO.
  • Jetstream2 is primarily operated at Indiana University, but test clusters are shared across other universities in the US


High Throughput Computing Environments:


DE uses HTCondor for executable jobs on CyVerse resources and osg jobs on the OpenScienceGrid

Federation to the OpenScienceGrid can be accomplished in the DE

High Performance Computing Environments

University of Arizona resources are colocated with the CyVerse data store and compute clusters

CyVerse is partnered with Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) where its data store is replicated nightly. US based researchers can request access to HPC via:

Data Storage

The CyVerse Data Store manages over 6 PB data via iRODS (integrated Rule Oriented Data System) within the iplant zone. The zone name is related to the original project name. It is retained to preserve access to data through URLs published during the time period of the original project.

Data storage is organized into resources. The main resource is named CyVerseRes, and it holds all user data and most project data. Data on CyVerseRes are stored ath the University of Arizona. This resource is mirrored with a second resource named taccRes which is backed by storage located at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). There are also special purpose resources dedicated to certain projects. The data in these resources are stored on hardware owned by these projects.



User Portal - a User Portal for creating and managing accounts, requesting and granting access to platforms, and a user management space for individuals and groups and workshops.

Discovery Environment - Custom interactive web based data science workbench

KeyCloak - federated OAUTH to CyVerse resources, including Google, GitHub, ORCID,& CILogon

WebDAV - A service that provides secure HTTP/WebDAV access to the Data Store. It provides anonymous access to public data and authenticated access to private and shared data.

SFTP - A service that provides secure FTP access to the Data Store. The service can be accessed through s

Data Commons - This service provides secure HTTP access to published datasets that are hosted in the CyVerse Data Store. The Data Commons presents any metadata which have been added by the owners to their datasets.

Monitoring Services

Health Status - system status monitor

perfSONAR web toolkit - network measurement toolkit