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iRODS CSI Driver

iRODS Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver implements the CSI Specification to provide container orchestration engines (like Kubernetes) iRODS access.


Before we install irods-csi-driver, we need to create a values.yaml file.

Change the values accordingly and save the file as values.yaml.

      client: "irodsfuse"
      host: <IRODS-SERVER-HOST>
      port: "1247"
      zone: "TUG"
      user: <IRODS-ADMIN-USER>
      password: <PASSWORD>
      retainData: "false"
      enforceProxyAccess: "true"
      mountPathWhitelist: "/TUG/home"
      - --cache_size_max=10737418240
      - --cache_root=/irodsfs_pool_cache
      - '--cache_timeout_settings=[{"path":"/","timeout":"-1ns","inherit":false},{"path":"/TUG","timeout":"-1ns","inherit":false},{"path":"/TUG/home","timeout":"5m","inherit":false},{"path":"/TUG/home/shared","timeout":"5m","inherit":true}]'


we use helm to deploy irods-csi-driver.

# Add the Helm repository.
helm repo add irods-csi-driver-repo

# Update the local repository caches.
helm repo update

# create namespace
kubectl create namespace irods-csi-driver

# install csi-driver
# make sure to edit
helm install -n irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver-repo/irods-csi-driver -f ./values.yaml

# or upgrade
helm upgrade -n irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver-repo/irods-csi-driver -f ./values.yaml

Upgrading to a newer version

When we want to upgrade the irods-csi-driver to a newer version, we need to stop all running vice-apps and delete all the pvcs.

# update helm repo
helm repo update

# delete the pvc
kubectl delete pvc -l app-type=interactive -n vice-apps

# uninstall the irods-csi-driver
helm uninstall irods-csi-driver -n irods-csi-driver

# delete all the vice-apps deployments
## see below for the content of this file
./ $(kubectl get deployments -n vice-apps -l app-type=interactive -o name)

# install again
helm install -n irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver-repo/irods-csi-driver -f values.yaml

install specific version

helm install -n irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver --version 0.8.7 irods-csi-driver-repo/irods-csi-driver -f values.yaml

## try the latest
helm install -n irods-csi-driver irods-csi-driver --version 0.9.2 irods-csi-driver-repo/irods-csi-driver -f values.yaml


With irods-csi-driver version > 0.8.7, there’s a small change on the configuration file user_config.yaml for driver installation. You will need to delete --cache_root and --temp_root flags if you used it.

function delete_resources() {
    local external_id="$1"
    kubectl -n vice-apps delete deployment "${external_id}"
    kubectl -n vice-apps delete service "vice-${external_id}"
    kubectl -n vice-apps delete ingress "${external_id}"
    kubectl -n vice-apps delete configmap "excludes-file-${external_id}"
    kubectl -n vice-apps delete configmap "input-path-list-${external_id}"

function remove_deployment_prefix() {
    local external_id="$1"
    echo -n "$external_id" | sed 's;^deployment.apps/;;'

# Iterate over all arguments on the command line.
for id in "$@"; do
    delete_resources $(remove_deployment_prefix "$id")